Bradfordton Athletic Center provides a casual atmosphere for your recreational needs. Whether you come to play gym sports or to celebrate your child's birthday, we are here to accommodate at a low cost compared to other central Illinois facilities. Bradfordton Athletic Center is also home of Lotus Touch Massage and Professional Fitness Coaching, Inc. Visit our services page for more information.
Due to the nature of our gym rentals, we invest in 24 hour video surveillance.
Coaches and players will enjoy the feeling of practicing on this surface. The gym court has excellent playability traction and cushion. Athletes will notice their feet, knees and ankles feel better on our court more than other gym surfaces and can expect fewer injuries due to the floor's state-of-the-art construction.
Many gyms are COLD in the winter and HOT in the summer. Every effort is made to keep BAC at a comfortable level - YEAR ROUND!
We have approximately 50% more light in the gym. (No dark corners like some gyms!) Our lights are designed for use in gymnasiums and are protected both by metal guards as well as durable plastic sheaths around each fluorescent tube to ensure safety.
Bradfordton Athletic Center has two WIRELESS scoreboards that are available for your games and practice. If you wish to use these, contact Jen ahead of time for instructions on use. (No additional charges)
All 6 baskets are brand new and only the best models were selected for your use. NOTE: If you wish to raise/lower the large mobile baskets, you must consult with Jen first!
Renting our facility is a great option for your next gathering. We require a two-hour minimum rental at just $75 per hour. This rate is base on 25 children and 5 adults; each additional child is $4.00 per person with a MAXIMUM of 40. Although we allow you to bring in your own food, NO FOOD OR DRINKS are allowed in the gym (except water). No outside balls or other equipment are to be brought into the Bradfordton Athletic Center unless prior approval is granted. Let us provide the space and equipment and you provide the fun!
For more information and how to book, contact Jen and fill out our party rental agreement.